Powering Electric Mobility
with Unified Data Insights

With our data-driven insights, find the most reliable EV charger
tailored to your unique needs and preferences.
EV Fast Charging Sessions

Explore our Data↓

Paren is your gateway to the most robust and dependable EV charging datasets,
including reliability and availability.
NEVI funded
NEVI funded
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Prioritizing What Matters Most

We believe that addressing the foundational aspects of EV charging infrastructure is crucial for accelerating electric vehicle adoption and fostering a more sustainable future.

Our comprehensive approach  solves today's challenges and anticipates the needs of tomorrow, ensuring everyone in the EV chain is empowered with the information they need when they need it.

Seamless Electric Mobility
Starts Here

Empower your business with Paren’s comprehensive EV charging data. Drive smarter
decisions, enhance user experiences, and lead the charge towards a sustainable future.